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the Inward Journey: Teach Fascial Yin Yoga Certification
Course introduction
Course Manual
What you can Expect from this Course (text)
An Introduction from Your Teachers (video) (1:47)
Homework (text)
Materials/Props you will need (text)
Pre-course Stress Scale (Text)
Acknowledgements (text)
What is Yin Yoga?
An introduction- Why Yin? (Text)
What is Yin? Yin vs. Yang- (Text/video) (8:54)
The history of Yin Yoga (Text/Video) (4:00)
The Autonomic Nervous System and Trauma
Stress paradigm (text)
The stress paradigm/polyvagal theory/trauma response (video) (21:15)
The Autonomic Nervous System (Text)
Polyvagal and window of tolerance theories (video) (30:54)
Enhancing Vagal Tone through Yoga- (text)-
Interoception/Embodiment/Mind body connection in Healing-(Text/Video) (3:06)
Journalling questions- pdf
Fascia and the Human Body
What is Fascia? (text)
An Introduction to Fascia-Lecture/slides- (video) (34:15)
Feeling Fascia- self exploration- (video) (10:52)
Biotensegrity (text/video) (9:17)
Myofascial Principles for Yin Yoga
Video (8:44)
Principles for Fascial Yoga- (text)
Yin Practice class 1-90 minutes
Yin class 1 (93:09)
Journalling/homework (text)
Asana sequence 1 (text)
Feeling Fascia
Self Practice-Feeling Fascia 2 (video) (5:25)
Grounding meditation
Grounding meditation-(audio)
Yin and the Yoga Sutras
The Healing Effects of Yin(text/video) (7:54)
Asana Overview
Anatomical Considerations: Modification and Preventing Injury (video/text) (22:38)
Setting the Scene (text/video) (19:26)
Copy of Principles for Fascial Yoga- (text)
Principles for Fascia Yin yoga video-review (video) (8:44)
Homework (text)
Prana and the Energy Body-Subtle Anatomy
The 5 Vayues-meditation (audio)
The Subtle Energy System (text)
Feel energy-practice (video) (13:21)
The Nadis (text)
The Chakras- (text/video) (14:17)
The Koshas explored through Yoga Nidra text/audio (19:34)
Yin Practice Class 2-90 minutes
Class 2 video (89:58)
Journalling/Homework (text)
Asana Sequence 2
Feeling Fascia- self exploration 3-cranial
Feeling Fascia self practice 3 (video) (7:30)
Self-Rebounding (Jiggling) Practice (text/video) (6:13)
Basic Yin Postures
1.Ankle/toe stretch (vajarasana) (4:24)
2. Supported Bridge (Setu Bandasana/ Sarvangasana) (6:28)
3. Butterfly (Baddha Konasana) (16:46)
4. Supine twist (Supine Matsyendrasana) (16:40)
5. Seated forward fold (Pashchimottanasana) (13:28)
6. Child’s pose with arm variations(Balasana) (12:43)
7. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana) (9:19)
8. Dragon series (Anjaneyasana) (9:17)
9. Wide leg seated forward fold (Padottanasana)?orUpavistha Konasana which sanskrit (11:31)
10. Supine Pigeon revolved (6:23)
11. Fish with supports (Matsyasana) (5:08)
12. Frog (Bhekasana) (3:05)
13. Happy Baby (Anaanda Balasana) (3:25)
14. Bananasana Supine and with bolster (8:16)
15. Deer with forward bend (3:14)
16. Open wing side lying with leg variations (5:32)
17. Melting Heart (4:59)
18. Savasana prone and supine (6:07)
19. Hero (Virasana/ supine and with forward fold) (9:51)
20. Legs Up (Viparita Karani) (5:38)
21. Cow Pose with arm variations (Gomukhasana) (8:24)
22. Supported prone spinal twist on bolster (1:42)
23. Pigeon (Eka Pada Raja Kapotanasana) (5:02)
24. Spinx/Seal (7:36)
25. Easy pose(Sukhasana) (5:18)
26. Squat (Malasana) (5:16)
Homework (text)
Unwinding Practice (video) (10:16)
Journalling (text)
The Beauty of the Ball
The Ball as a tool (video) (9:03)
Yin Practice Class 3-Ball work (51:51)
Yin Practice Class 4-Ball work (75:04)
Asana sequence handout 3 and 4
Journalling (text)
Pulling it all together
Wrap up (video) (0:27)
Post-course Stress Scale
Course Feedback From
3. Butterfly (Baddha Konasana)
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